====== Texture, Blending & Masks ====== ===== Texture ===== Texture is the art part of the [[en:concept:simple-node|node]]. ===== Blending ===== In blending, you can add effect to element and it affects lower elements defined by [[en:concept:transform-sorting|Sorting]].\\ \\ For now (v0.8.4) there are those blending effects:\\ \\ ==== Normal ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_normal_v0.8.4.png?nolink&200|normal v0.8.4}}\\ * No effect ---- \\ ==== Multiply ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_multiply_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|multiply v0.8.4}}\\ * Multiplies colors and darken them ---- \\ ==== Screen ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_screen_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|screen v0.8.4}} * Multiplies colors with inverted value, it's opposite of multiply ---- \\ ==== Ovelay ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_overlay_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|overlay v0.8.4}} * Screen on lighter area, and multiply on darker ---- \\ ==== Darken ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_darken_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|darken v0.8.4}} * Darker color shows up ---- \\ ==== Lighten ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_lighten_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|lighten v0.8.4}} * Lighter color shows up ---- \\ ==== Color Dodge ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_color_dodge_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|color dodge v0.8.4}} * Lighten colors, plus lowers contrast ---- \\ ==== Linear Dodge ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_linear_dodge_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|linear dodge v0.8.4}} * Stronger effects than screen or color dodge ---- \\ ==== Add (Glow) ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_add_glow_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|add (glow) v0.8.4}} * Make it bright (glows) ---- \\ ==== Color Burn ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_color_burn_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|color burn v0.8.4}} * Overexposes colors and darken them, plus highers contrast ---- \\ ==== Hard Light ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_hard_light_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|hard light v0.8.4}} * Lighten lighter areas, darken darker ones, element color is more noticeable ---- \\ ==== Soft Light ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_soft_light_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|soft light v0.8.4}} * Lighten lighter areas, darken darker ones, element color is almost unoticeable ---- \\ ==== Subtract ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_subtract_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|substract v0.8.4}} * Subtracts color and darken as result ---- \\ ==== Difference ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_difference_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|difference v0.8.4}} * Subtracts color and uses different value as result ---- \\ ==== Exclusion ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_exclusion_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|exclusion v0.8.4}} * Difference with lower contrast ---- \\ ==== Inverse ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_inverse_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|inverse v0.8.4}} * Inverts the color by factor of the overlying color ---- \\ ==== Destination In ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_destination_in_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|destination in v0.8.4}} * Similar to clip to lower, but without the need showing mask element ---- \\ ==== Clip to Lower ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_clip_to_lower_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|clip to lower v0.8.4}} * [[en:concept:mask|Clip]]; special biding mode that causes (while respecting transparency) the part to be cliped to everything underneath ---- \\ ==== Slice from Lower ==== {{:en:concept:comparison_slice_to_lower_v0.8.4.png?nolink&600|slice to lower v0.8.4}} * Special biding mode that causes (while respecting transparency) the part to be slice by everything underneath. Basically reverse Clip to Lower ===== Masks ===== Masking Source is like [[en:concept:mask|Mask]]. You can be the insert elements you want to be the clip/dodge.\\ \\ If there are element A, B and C. And on A you input B and C on A's mask source. Then you can clip/dodge A on B and C area.\\ {{:en:concept:example_mask.gif?nolink|mask example}} {{:en:concept:example_dodge.gif?nolink|dodge example}}