====== Edit Animation ====== It changes to Edit Animation mode.\\ \\ Animation list and Timeline can be only edited in this mode.\\ Nodes and Inspector can't be edited in this mode. ===== Animation ===== To make animation, you have to rig puppet first, and make parameter too. To export animation [[en:concept:camera|read this]]. \\ \\ More information on how to make animation [[en:software:creator:how-to-animation|check this page.]] ===== Timeline ===== :!: You need to add new animation on [[en:software:creator:animation#Animation_List|Animation List]] to timeline be settable :!:\\ On this panel, you can set [[en:concept:keyframe|keyframe]] on timeline to make animations.\\ Each parameter, and each axis of parameter has a line for it.\\ \\ ''Scroll wheel''\\ To slide timeline vertically\\ \\ ''Shift + Scrool wheel''\\ To slide timeline horizontally\\ \\ ''Right click on X and Interpolation''\\ To change interpolation between Neaest, Stepped, Linear and Cubic.\\ \\ ''Right click on X and Merge Mode''\\ To change Additive, Multiplicative and Forced (fixed on last one).\\ \\ ''Right click on X and Delete''\\ To delete all line of parameter.\\ * Lock playback to animation framerate * Stop * Play * Frame * Animation time ===== Tool Settings ===== "No tool selected" ===== Scene ===== On this panel, you can set ambient light color.\\ The effect will be shown if you enable post processing. ===== Parameters ===== :!: You need to have created parameter on [[en:software:creator:edit-puppet|Edit Puppet mode]]:!:\\ On this panel, you can slide on parameter you created to position value for [[en:concept:keyframe|keyframe]] of animation. To set keyframe, you need to click on + icon after positioning.\\ \\ {{:en:software:creator:inochi_creator_animation_parameter.png?nolink&200|Parameter on animation}} \\ ''+''\\ Add keyframe. ===== Logger ===== Nothing for now. ===== Animation List ===== On this panel, it's listed all animations of puppet.\\ \\ Click on + to add new animation.\\ \\ {{:en:software:creator:inochi_creator_animation_list_properties.png?nolink&400|Animation list properties}} \\ ''Right click > Edit''\\ * Rename * Options * Additive * Weight * Frames * Lead In * Lead Out * Framerate (25, 30, 60, 120 FPS, or custom) * Total time of animation \\ ''Right click > Delete''\\ To delete animation. ===== History =====