====== Edit Puppet ====== It changes to Edit Puppet mode.\\ \\ Nodes and Inspector can be only edited in this mode.\\ Animation list and Timeline can't be edited in this mode. ===== Gizmos ===== ==== Vertices ==== Hide/ Show vertices. ==== Bounds ==== Hide/ Show Bounds. ==== Orientation gizmo ==== Hide/ Show Orientation gizmo. ==== Select background color ==== Select background color, you can select color by hex color, RGB or HSV. ===== Focus Selected ===== {{ :en:software:creator:inochi_creator_focus_selected_buffer_right_click.png?nolink&200 |Focus select}}\\ To focus select, ''Right click'' on buffer, then it'll list all objects that can be selected on that area. ===== Puppet ===== Puppet is character that you are editing on Inochi Creator. You can export as animation or export as ''.inp'' model (that can be used as vtuber). \\ \\ More information on how to rig a puppet [[en:software:creator:how-to-rig|check this page]]. ===== Tool Settings ===== ===== Scene ===== On this panel, you can set ambient light color. The effect will be shown if you enable post processing. ===== Parameters ===== On parameter you can set parameter to use to animation or to make physics.\\ {{ :en:software:creator:inochi_creator_parameter_edit_puppet.png?nolink&200 |Parameter}} \\ ==== Arm parameter ==== You can set layers behaviour on parameter. ==== Config ==== {{:en:software:creator:inochi_creator_parameter_config.png?nolink&200|Parameter config}}\\ Configuration of parameter. * Edit prorprietres: name, constraints * Edit axes points: break points + delete * Split * To 2D * Flip * Mirror: horizontally, vertically * Mirrored autofill: <-, -> ---- * Copy * Paste * Paste and horizontal flip * Duplicate * Delete ---- * Set starting position ===== Nodes ===== You can origanize your puppet layers here.\\ Group layers you did on drawing program won't be inherited. \\ \\ There you can group layer by many types of nodes: (Check [[en:concept:start#node_tree|this page]] for basic concept) * [[en:software:creator:edit-puppet:detailed-simple-node|Simple Node]] * [[en:software:creator:edit-puppet:detailed-mask|Mask]] * [[en:software:creator:edit-puppet:detailed-composite|Composite]] * [[en:software:creator:edit-puppet:detailed-meshgroup|MeshGroup]] * [[en:software:creator:edit-puppet:detailed-simple-physic|Simple Physics]] * [[en:software:creator:edit-puppet:detailed-camera|Camera]] \\ ==== Add others node ==== ''Right click'' and ''click Add'' to add new Node. ==== Edit mesh ==== ''Right click'' and ''click Edit mesh'' to create and edit mesh to deform the node. You can do it by clicking on Edit mesh on main panel.\\ More about [[en:software:creator:edit-mesh|Edit mesh]]. ==== Hide ==== ''Right click'' and ''click Hide'' to hide the Node. You can do it by clicking on Node icon. ==== Delete ==== ''Right click'' and ''click Delete'' to delete Node. ==== More info ==== ''Right click'' and ''click More info'' to see more information about Node.\\ It has following informations: * ID (number) * Original layer name If Node isn't from drawing program layer, second one won't be there. ==== Recauculate origin ==== ''Right click'' and ''click Recauculate origin'' to do so. ===== Logger ===== Nothing for now. ===== Inspector ===== You can edit Node proprieties on Inspector. ==== Transform ==== Nodes that have Transform: Layer (from drawing Software), simple Node, simple Physics, Camera, Mask, Composite and MeshGroup.\\ \\ {{:en:software:creator:example_xyz.gif?nolink|translation example}} * Translation: x, y, z * Lock to root node {{:en:software:creator:example_rotation.gif?nolink|rotation example}} * Rotation: x, y, z {{:en:software:creator:example_scale.gif?nolink|scale example}} * Scale: x, y * Snap to pixel {{:en:software:creator:example_sorting.gif?nolink|sorting example}} * Sorting ==== Drawable ==== Nodes that have Drawable: Layer (from drawing Software), Mask, Composite and MeshGroup.\\ \\ * Texture offset ==== Part ==== Layer (from drawing Software) is only Node that has Part.\\ \\ * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albedo|Albedo]]: "original color" (original art from layer). [[en:software:creator:edit-puppet:albedo|More about Albedo.]] * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emissivity|Emissivity]]: "how strong illuminates" (glow up eyes in darkness) * [[https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/Normal-Mapping|Bump maps]]: "create illusion of depth" (FIXME if it's wrong) ==== Tint ==== Nodes that have Tint: Layer (from drawing Software) and Composite.\\ \\ * Multiply RGB * Screen RGB ==== Blending ==== Nodes that have Blending: Layer (from drawing Software) and Composite.\\ \\ You can check blending list [[en:concept:texture-b-m#blending|here]]. ==== Opacity ==== Nodes that have Opacity: Layer (from drawing Software) and Composite.\\ \\ ==== Masks ==== Nodes that has Masks: Layer (from drawing Software) and Composite.\\ \\ * Thereshold * Mask Sources: Mode mask, Mode dodge; Delete ==== simplePhysics ==== Simple Physics is only Node that has simplePhysics.\\ \\ * Parameter * Type: pendulum, springpendulum * Mapping mode: anglelength, xy * Local transform lock * Gravity scale * Length resonant frequency * Damping: x, y * Outputscale: x, y ==== Camera ==== Camera is only Node that has Camera.\\ \\ * Viewport: x, y ==== Meshgroup ==== MeshGroup is only Node that has Meshgroup.\\ \\ * Dynamic deformation: slower * Translate origin ===== History ===== You can see list of all things you did.\\ By selecting one of them, you can undo until that point of work.