====== Simple Physics Node ====== Simple Physics is a node that can have parameter assigned and it can perform physics in the way that are set on parameter.\\ \\ On Simple Physics, these proprieties that can be edited:\\ ==== Transform ==== * Translation: x, y, z * Lock to root node * Rotation: x, y, z * Scale: x, y * Snap to pixel * Sorting ==== simplePhysics ==== * Parameter * Type: pendulum, springpendulum * Mapping mode: anglelength, xy * Local transform lock * Gravity scale * Length resonant frequency * Damping: x, y * Outputscale: x, y ===== How to use ===== - Add a ''Simple Physics Node'' to your node tree.\\ - Put the part that you want physics to apply to into the ''Simple Physics Node''.\\ - Add a ''parameter''. A 1D Parameter (-1..1) should work well enough. Arm the parameter and set points -1 and 1 with the object in the ''Simple Physics Node''.\\ - When you are done making your ''parameter'', drag it from the parameter list to the inspector "(Unassigned)" box, while the ''Simple Physics Node'' is selected.\\ - Test by moving layers that the ''Simple Physics Node'' is connected to.\\ \\ ==== Options: ==== **Type** - Pendulum. This mode swings the asset left and right. If it is rotated, it can swing it up and down. - Spring Pendulum. This mode does the same thing, but makes it so that the asset bounces up and down as it swings from left to right. **Mapping Mode** - AngleLength - Ordered List ItemXY **Local Transform Lock** - Checking this box locks movement to only the "physics node itself". **Gravity Scale** - This effects how heavy the object is treated as. The higher the number, the less motion will swing around the pendulum. **Length** - This number sets how long the pendulum is. The shorter it is, the quicker and jerkier the movement. **Damping** - A high value will slow down the effects of the physics as it approaches its resting point. A value of zero will keep it swinging forever. **Output Scale** - Increasing this value decreases the amount of motion is required to effect the physics.