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Edit mesh

Mesh is needed to be created in order to art layer be deformed.

Mesh doesn't need to warp all art layer, it's only need to be on where deform will be made.
Default mesh is a simple rectangle on art layer size.
To copy mesh from one art layer to another, click on art layer that you want to copy to, then drag other art layer you want copy from to edit mesh, that now will be named as copy mesh. After dropping, it'll open edit mesh mode so you can edit copied mesh as you like.

Click here to check more about deform.

Edit mesh layout

1. Vertex Tool

2. Path Deform Tool

3. Grid Vertex Tool

a. Flip Horizontally

Flip mesh horizontally

b. Flip Vertically

Flip mesh vertically

c. Mirror Horizontally

Mirror all steps from one half to another half, separating half to right part and left part

d. Mirror Vertically

Mirror all steps from one half to another half, separating half to upper part and lower part

e. Triangulate vertices

Triangulation Options

f. Auto Meshing Options

Normal parts, Detailed mesh, Large parts, Small parts, Thin and minimum parts, Preserve edges.

Some tips to make good mesh