Table of Contents


With this panel you can manually play puppet animations created using creator's Animation feature.

You can set them as single shot or looping using the Loop checkbox.

If you want for animations to trigger automatically, you can select one of the following modes in the Trigger combo box.

You can also save your current selections to your model with the Save to File button above.

Trigger by Tracking

:!: You need to press the refresh button to be able to see the available tracking parameters :!:

Using this mode you can control the animation playback using a specific tracking parameter.

First, you have to select a tracking parameter you want to use. If you press the Reset button, it will clear your current selection.

By default it will play when the tracking parameter goes above 1. If looping is turned on, it won't stop until it reaches back to 0.

Customizing Threshold

If you uncheck the Default Thresholds checkbox, you will be able to customize how animations are triggered.

There are 3 different parameters you can edit:

The number is the value that the tracking parameter needs to reach to fulfill the action.

After the button there is an icon button, which will toggle how the threshold is interpreted through the following logic.

Hold Delay

If you want for the tracking parameter to be held for some time to consider it triggered, you can check the Use Hold Delay checkbox.

When checked, you will be able to edit how many milliseconds will need to pass before triggering the animation.

Hold delay only works if your threshold mode is set either on ⬆️ or ⬇️ modes.

Trigger by Event

With event mode you can control animations using your puppet current state. The available states are the following ones

You can set to Play, Stop or Full Stop the animation on either of these events by selecting the proper check boxes.