Table of Contents

Virtual Space

You need to set up virtual space to be able to tracking.

To create new Virtual Space

You need to write a name for virtual space, then click on + icon. Inochi Session Virtual Space

Then you'll see Unset there, now you can add a tracking of your choice:


To set up VTubeStudio, on phoneIP you need to put <your phone IP> (check IPv4, or if doesn't work, IPv6) and on pollingFactor you need to put 1.

:!: Smartphone and computer must be connected to same wi-fi :!:
You must have VTubeStudio. On Vtube Studio 3rd Party PC Clients must be active, if it says that it's connected, it worked.
(If something wrong please FIXME)


To set up VMC, on port you need to put 39540.

Check also this tracker for this port: Puppetstring.


To set up OpenSeeFace, on osf_bind_port you need to put 11573 and on osf_bind_ip you need to put

Download OpenSeeFace here.


To set up iFacialMocap, on phoneIP you need to put <your phone IP> (check IPv4, or if doesn't work, IPv6).

And save to start working.

Check this list Facial trackers to see which data tracker gets.