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Transforms & Sorting


Transform is a tool to edit the element with Inspector.
There are many ways to edit:

  • Translation: you can move element to certain position
    • X: horizontal move
    • Y: vertical move
    • Z: depth move
  • Rotation: you can rotate element by certain axis
    • X: rotation in X axis
    • Y: rotation in Y axis
    • Z: rotation in Z axis (this one is more noticeable change)
  • Scale: you can change element size
    • X: change horizontal size
    • Y: change vertical size


Sorting is a way to set which element is higher or lower as you can do in layers in drawings Softwares.
Lower sorting value is, higher layer position is.

If theres a element A with sorting value C, and element B with sorting value D. If value C is lower than D, then element A is higher layer position than element B.

en/concept/transform-sorting.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/24 15:58 by yussuna