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Frequently Asked Questions

This page is for commonly asked questions about Inochi2D, either Inochi Creator or Inochi Session


General questions about Inochi2D project.

Which platform is better for supporting development by donations?

Neglecting taxes Luna has to sort out,

  • Donations through GitHub will be 100% given to Luna.
  • Patreon, 95%.
  •, 95%, where a $30 purchase will provide you a pre-compiled version of Inochi Creator with lifetime updates.

Commercial use is allowed?

  • You are free to use commercially. License is BSD 2-clause.

Which platforms are supported by Inochi2D?

  • Windows, macOS, Linux.

Is Inochi2D compatible with Live2D models?

  • No. Different programs, different filetypes.

Inochi Creator

Frequently asked questions about Inochi Creator. if you have a question that is not yet listed here, then you can ask in the Help thread on the Inochi2D discord

What are Inochi Creator System Requirements?

You can check the requirements in the following table:

Minimum Recommended
Processor: x86_64 or ARM64 CPU Recent x86_64 or ARM64 CPU
Memory: 512 MB 1 GB or more
Disk Space: 100 MB or more 500 MB or more
Graphics Processor: OpenGL 3.2 Support, 512 MB VRAM OpenGL 3.2 Support, 1 GB VRAM or more
Display Resolution (Pixels): 960×800 1920×1080 or higher

Are there any limits on parameter count, layer count, animation length, node count...?

  • No. As long as your hardware holds :-P.

Does demo version has any limitation?

  • No, it's fully featured, just has a 10 second nag screen every start up and a friendly reminder in welcome panel to buy a copy to help development funding.

Is there any free model to train rig or example psd files to check how model should be cut?

  • Inochi2D has example psd files. You can download them on Itch's demo (or check this link to download on github).

What are specifications to import KRA file?

  • Model .kra need to be: only raster layers, 8 bit. Visual info.

How do you copy and paste a deform from one parameter to another?

  • :!: Requires Flip Pair Configuration :!: Requires same number of keypoints :!:
  • Click on engine icon of parameter you want to copy, then click on Copy. Go on parameter you want copy to and click on engine icon, then click Paste and Horizontal Flip. Visual example.

How do you auto mesh something small & detailed, like lips?

  • Small and detailed parts (specially if it's too thin) will never make perfect auto mesh. But you can get better results when using Thin and minimum parts and modifying the minimum distance between vertices until you get satisfied. Probably you'll need to edit a little after auto mesh.

Is there an Inochi Creator equivalent of the Live2D warp-deformer?

  • Yes, the Meshgroup node acts similar to a warp-deformer

How do you group nodes together?

  • You can group as you like. Each node has own strength, for more detail, check here. Or check this for rig example.
  • Group in Simple Node for those nodes that share same position when moving;
  • Group in Composite for those nodes that must work like one object being;
  • Group in MeshGroup for those nodes that must work like they have one single mesh.

Are there any Tutorials, blogs, videos or streams I can follow along with?

Does PSD/KRA importing preserve the files folder/layer structure?

  • Short answer is no, but this functionality is implemented in code, just not exposed on the user interface. If you are technically able, find these lines in source, change to true and recompile:
  // inochi-creator/source/creator/io/psd.d
  incImportPSD(file, IncPSDImportSettings(false));
  // inochi-creator/source/creator/io/kra.d
  incImportKRA(file, IncKRAImportSettings(false));

I get an error (Additional Layer Information section seems to be corrupt, signature does not match "8BIM".) when importing my PSD, what's wrong?

Corrupted psd error

  • The software you're using may be exporting PSD files in a way that Inochi Creator does not support yet. For now a free software you can use to export Inochi2D compatible PSDs is GIMP (Import corrupted .psd on GIMP, and export as .psd). Note, this is currently not a high priority issue but is acknowledged and will eventually be fixed in later versions.
  • Double check all your layers are raster only and do not have any vector layers. Inochi2D only supports raster art at this time.

What art softwares are known to export PSD files that Inochi Creator does not support yet?

  • Fire Alpaca, Medibang, ibisPaint, Affinity Designer, Sketchbook, SAI, and Procreate.

Does Creator have proportional editing?

  • Not currently, but is planned

When I drag something into Creator it says it can't load?

  • Dragging and dropping is reserved for specific things, you can try doing File → Open and then selecting your file

What does the Grid Vertex tool do?

  • Quickly create grid-shaped mesh (it's not perspective grid tool).

How do I increase the subdivisions in the grid tool?

  • Click on the edge of the grid

What blend modes does Inochi2D support?

How do I export something as a GIF/Video?

  • As long as a Camera is setup you can export to GIF/Video. To make transparent GIFs, choose to export to APNG first, then use a third party tool (for example, Ezgif) to further convert to GIF.

Is it possible to have parameters depend on other parameters?

  • No, there are no ways to make parameter depend on another one. But if you want to some physics be trigged by some parameter, it's possible.

How move vertices by smaller increments?

  • Hold down ALT and move the vertices

How do you change how physics behaves?

  • Change the mode, default is Pendulum

How do I flip something in Creator?

  • Set scale to -1

Inochi Session

Frequently asked questions about Inochi Session

What face-trackers work with Inochi Session?

  • OpenSeeFace, VtubeStudio, IFacialMocap, PuppetString (or any other tracker that can send VMC)

How do I set up mouth tracking in Inochi Session?

  • For simple mouth tracking: ftMouthEmotion for X, and ftMouthOpen for Y
  • mouthx is for tilting your mouth
  • mouth emotion set tracking in to be -1 to 1

Can you toggle expressions?

  • Not out of the box yet, but it is possible with custom software that emits quantized parameter values (like 0, 0.5, 1).

Is it possible to make a tracking lost animation?

  • Yes, it needs to be named tracking_lost

Is there a way to make face-tracking less snappy?

  • Yes, adjust your tracking-in

What does tracking-in and tracking-out mean?

  • Tracking-in is the value that's being received from the tracking software.
  • Tracking-out is the value being passed to the puppet parameter.

How to make idle animation loop that doesn't use tracking data?

  • Right click the name of parameter, then click Expression Binding. Below dampen there's a space for math expressions, you'll need to write there to make animation loop. For more detail, check here.

How do I oscillate something up and down?

  • Use Math expressions, for example, abs(sin(time / 3))

Is there any way to understand easily those math expressions?

  • You should write down math expression on this link, it shows visual graphic of that expression.

Is there an option to stay at some pose when tracking is lost in Inochi Session?

  • If you name an animation tracking_lost, Inochi Session will play it when tracking is lost.
en/faq/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/01 05:08 by bronwen