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How to Rig

:!: On this page, won't be explained any concept, it'll only have “how-to”. :!:

On this how to rig, it'll only have explain of basic rigging, and puppet will be simple humanoid puppet.
The way written on this How-to Rig isn't the only one RIGHT WAY TO DO, this is only one of many ways you can rig your puppet. When you become comfortable, you can rig on your style, don't get fixed on one method.

Structuring puppet

Drag all parts that are Head centred on simple node.


Make mesh of each hair bangs.


Drag all parts that are Face centred on MeshGroup.


Make mesh of Scalea, upper Eyeline, upper Eyelashes.
Mask Eyeball with Scalea, so Eyeball won't be out of it.


Drag all parts that are Mouth centred on MeshGroup.
Make mesh of both Lip lines, Inside mouth, both cover lips.


Drag all parts that are Body centred on simple node.


Drag all parts that are Arm centred on simple node.
Make one simple node for each arm.


Drag all parts that are Hand centred on simple node.
Make one simple node for each hand.


Drag all parts that are Leg centred on simple node.
Make one simple node for each leg.

Drag all parts that are Foot centred on simple node.
Make one simple node for each feet.

Making parameters

These are list of useful parameters to make:

1D parameter
One Axe has to be open eye, and other end, closed eye.

Body tilt

1D parameter
Axes must be Right tilt and Left tilt. Arms, legs, feet and hands need to be set to new position when body is tilted


  • a) 1D parameter Eyeball moves right to left


  • b) 2D parameter With eyeball's xy movement


Hair movement when puppet moves (used as physics)

Head tilt

1D parameter with -1 to 1
On one Axe end tilted to right, other one tilted to left


  • a) 1D parameter Basic open and close mouth


  • b) 2D parameter More detailed mouth as in mouth parameter prompt

Set Physics

  1. Create simplePhysics, put on node that you want to be the trigger of physics, and assign hair parameter to that simplePhysics.
  2. Do your settings until you are satisfied with physics results.


When you are done rigging, you can export as image, by posing a camera and setting right parameters to pose puppet as you like.
Or use on animation.

Or export as .inp to use as realtime tracked puppet.
On settings to export as .inp, if you don't really have any preferences, you can leave them as default, and export it.

en/software/creator/how-to-rig.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/05 00:41 by yussuna