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Inochi Session

Window that opens before Inochi Session

\path\inochi-sesseion.exe window
It's not a bug, it's normal. It's used to check Virtual Space state and tracker status.

Session layout

How to use

  • Model must be .inp file (export by Inochi Creator) to be opened.
  • Technically .inx files (project file for Inochi Creator) can be opened in Session by dragging them into the window, but it's recommended to follow the above method and use .inp files.
  • Model must be rigged
  • Double click to show/ hide UI
  • Left click: move puppet
  • Ctrl+ Scroll Wheel: zoom on puppet

:!: Don't forget to finish settings to face tracking work properly :!:

en/software/session/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/05 00:37 by yussuna