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Simple Physics Node

Simple Physics is a node that can have parameter assigned and it can perform physics in the way that are set on parameter.

On Simple Physics, these proprieties that can be edited:


  • Translation: x, y, z
  • Lock to root node
  • Rotation: x, y, z
  • Scale: x, y
  • Snap to pixel
  • Sorting


  • Parameter
  • Type: pendulum, springpendulum
  • Mapping mode: anglelength, xy
  • Local transform lock
  • Gravity scale
  • Length resonant frequency
  • Damping: x, y
  • Outputscale: x, y

How to use

  1. Add a Simple Physics Node to your node tree.
  2. Put the part that you want physics to apply to into the Simple Physics Node.
  3. Add a parameter. A 1D Parameter (-1..1) should work well enough. Arm the parameter and set points -1 and 1 with the object in the Simple Physics Node.
  4. When you are done making your parameter, drag it from the parameter list to the inspector “(Unassigned)” box, while the Simple Physics Node is selected.
  5. Test by moving layers that the Simple Physics Node is connected to.



  1. Pendulum. This mode swings the asset left and right. If it is rotated, it can swing it up and down.
  2. Spring Pendulum. This mode does the same thing, but makes it so that the asset bounces up and down as it swings from left to right.

Mapping Mode

  1. AngleLength
  2. Ordered List ItemXY

Local Transform Lock

  1. Checking this box locks movement to only the “physics node itself”.

Gravity Scale

  1. This effects how heavy the object is treated as. The higher the number, the less motion will swing around the pendulum.


  1. This number sets how long the pendulum is. The shorter it is, the quicker and jerkier the movement.


  1. A high value will slow down the effects of the physics as it approaches its resting point. A value of zero will keep it swinging forever.

Output Scale

  1. Increasing this value decreases the amount of motion is required to effect the physics.
en/software/creator/edit-puppet/detailed-simple-physic.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/04 00:43 by yussuna