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Configure Flip Pairing

You can set pairing for mirrored parts.

By setting pairing, rig work will be quicken.
You can copy pair's transform and deform while working on parameter.
When you make a pair, it's shown more easily when selecting object to swap with or copy to on parameter editing.

How to set Flip Pairing

  1. Drag one side of pair to Add new row, then drag another side to part 2.
  2. Do to all pairing you want to create.


  • You can do by clicking Pair, so it'll automatically pair objects (There are chance to pair wrongly).

Flip pairing tips

  • Name pair parts with same name except pair side nomenclature (such as RL, <>).
  • Check if pairing is right by clicking on pair and see pair on view part.
en/software/creator/flip-pairing.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/04 12:00 by yussuna